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Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): An In-Depth Overview of its Roles, Benefits, and Risks

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): An In-Depth Overview of its Roles, Benefits, and Risks

From: National Cancer Institute Cancer Treatment complementary and Alternative Medicine CAM for Patients -- Coenzyme Q10 (PDQ®)–Patient Version


Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring compound in the body that plays an essential role in energy production and cell protection. As a dietary supplement, CoQ10 has been studied for its potential health benefits, including the prevention and treatment of cancer. However, the current evidence regarding the effectiveness and safety of CoQ10 for cancer management remains limited and inconclusive. This article provides a comprehensive overview of CoQ10, including its functions, sources, administration, laboratory and animal studies, clinical trials, reported side effects and risks, and regulatory status.

Functions and Sources:

The primary function of CoQ10 is to aid enzymes in cellular energy production. CoQ10 is required for the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is an essential molecule used by cells as a source of energy for metabolic processes. Additionally, CoQ10 acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from harmful free radicals that can cause cellular damage and contribute to the development of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and Parkinson's disease.

CoQ10 is present in most body tissues, with higher concentrations found in organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys, and pancreas. The level of CoQ10 in the body decreases with age, and some medical conditions and medications can also reduce CoQ10 levels.


CoQ10 is available as a dietary supplement in tablet, capsule, or injection form. It is not regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a drug, but rather as a dietary supplement. The recommended daily intake of CoQ10 varies depending on the individual's age, gender, and health status. Generally, healthy adults may take 50-200 mg of CoQ10 per day, while higher doses may be recommended for individuals with certain medical conditions.

Laboratory and Animal Studies:

Laboratory and animal studies have investigated the potential anticancer effects of CoQ10. These studies have shown mixed results, with some suggesting that CoQ10 may have protective effects, while others show no significant effect. For example, in laboratory studies, CoQ10 has been shown to induce cell death in cancer cells and inhibit the growth of cancer tumors. However, other studies have found no significant effect of CoQ10 on cancer cell proliferation or tumor growth.

Animal studies have also produced mixed results regarding the potential anticancer effects of CoQ10. Some studies have found that CoQ10 supplementation can increase survival rates and decrease tumor growth in animals with certain types of cancer, while other studies have found no significant effect.

Clinical Trials:

Clinical trials studying the use of CoQ10 in patients with cancer are limited in number and size, making it difficult to draw conclusions about its effectiveness. For example, a study of 236 breast cancer patients found no improvement in fatigue or quality of life among those who received CoQ10 compared to those who received a placebo. Another clinical trial of 20 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia or non-Hodgkin lymphoma found that CoQ10 decreased the harmful effects of doxorubicin on the heart.

Reported Side Effects and Risks:

Reported side effects of CoQ10 include high levels of liver enzymes, nausea, heartburn, headache, abdominal pain, dizziness, rashes, and sleep disturbance. Though some studies suggest that CoQ10 may help prevent toxic side effects from cancer treatments, it is unclear whether CoQ10 may interfere with the efficacy of standard cancer treatments or interact negatively with other drugs.

It is important to check with healthcare providers to find out if CoQ10 can be safely used with other drugs. Certain drugs, such as those that are used to lower cholesterol, blood pressure, or blood sugar levels, may decrease the effects of CoQ10. CoQ10 may change the way the body uses warfarin (a drug that prevents the blood from clotting) and insulin.

Regulatory Status:

The FDA has not approved CoQ10 as a treatment for cancer. The regulation of dietary supplements is the responsibility of the manufacturer, who must ensure the safety and accuracy of their product labeling. The production of dietary supplements is not regulated by the FDA, leading to inconsistencies in the quality and composition of different brands and batches.


Coenzyme Q10 plays essential roles in cellular energy production and antioxidant protection. Although preliminary research suggests that CoQ10 may have potential benefits for cancer prevention and treatment, further clinical trials are needed to evaluate its efficacy and safety. Patients considering taking CoQ10 should consult with their healthcare providers and inform them of all medications they are taking. As a dietary supplement, CoQ10 is not regulated by the FDA, and its composition and quality may vary significantly between products.



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