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Baicalin: the guardian of nature, the gospel of health

Scutellaria Extract is an important ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine and health care products, and is mainly used in a series of traditional Chinese medicines such as Scutellaria Baicalensis, Injun Huang, Yin Huang and so on. Scutellaria Extract is also a popular functional cosmetic ingredient in the beauty industry. Scutellaria Extract is used in veterinary medicine and feed for the livestock industry, and also has an auxiliary effect on embryo transfer in livestock.

Scutellaria Extract is the dried root of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, family Labiatae, the properties of light yellow to brownish-yellow powder; taste light, slightly bitter, storage method needs to be sealed in a cool and dry place.

Procedure: Decoct Scutellariae Radix with water, combine the decoctions, concentrate to a quantity, adjust to pH 1.0-2.0 with hydrochloric acid. keep the temperature at 8oC allow to stand and filter. Add a quantity of water to the precipitate, stir well, adjust to pH 7.0 with 4o% sodium hydroxide solution, add an equal quantity of ethanol, stir to dissolve and filter.Adjust the filtrate to pH 1.O-2.O with hydrochloric acid. keep the temperature at 6o°C. allow to stand and filter. Rinse the precipitate stepwise with a quantities of water and ethanol of different concentrations to pH 7.o,expel ethanol and dry in vacuum.

Identification: Dissolve 1 mg in 1 ml of methanol as the test solution. Dissolve a quantity of baicalin CRS in methanol to produce a solution containing 1 mg per ml as the reference solution. Carry out the method for thin layer chromatography(05o2), using polyamide as the coating substance and acetic acid as the mobile phase. Apply separately 2 μl ofeach of the two solutions to the plate.after developing and removaloftheplate.dryinair,aandexamineunder ultraviolet light at 365nm.The fluorescence spot in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution corresponds in position and colourtothespotin thechromatograms obtained with the reference solution.

Assay: Carry out the method for high performance liquid chromatography<0512>.

Chromatographic system and system suitability: Use octadecylsilane bonded silica gel as the stationary phase and a mixture of methanol, water and phosphoric acid(47:53:0.2)as the mobile phase. As detector a spectrophotometer set at 280nm.The number of theoretic plates of the column is not less than 2500.calculated with the reference to the peak of baicalin.

Reference solution: Dissolve a quantity of baicalin CRS, accurately weighed, in methanol to produce a solution containing 60μg per ml.

Test solution: Weigh accurately 10 mg to a 25 ml volumetric flask.dissolve with a quantity of methanol.continue to add methanol to volume and shakewell.Measure accurately 5ml in a 25ml volumetric flask.add methanol to volume, shake well, filter, and use the successive filtrate as the test solution.

Procedure: Inject accurately 10 μl of each of the reference solution and the test solution into the column respectively. and calculate the content.

It contains not less than 85.0 per cent of baicalin(C21H18O11) calculated with reference to the dried basis.

Water: Not more than 5. 0 per cent <0832,method 2>.

Residue on ignition: Not more than 0.8 per cent <0841>

Heavy metal: Carry out the limit test for heavy metals <0821>, not more than 20mg/kg.using the residueobtained under the determination of Residue on ignition.

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