Professional \ Focused \ Dedicated
Soy isoflavones are compounds found in soybean and soybean products. They have been reported to possess numerous physiological properties, such as anti-menopausal (female) osteoporosis and anti‑aging. They have also been reported to improve learning and memory skills in menopausal women and aid in the prevention and treatment of heart disease, diabetes and Kawasaki disease (KD).Specifically, there are a total of 12 types of soy isoflavones present in soybeans, which can be categorized into 3 types: Daidzein groups, Genistein groups, and Glycitin groups, each of which exists in 4 forms: free, glucoside, acetyl glucoside, and propionyl glucoside.
Basic Information
Appearance: Shallow yellow fine powder
CAS No.: 574-12-9
Molecular Formula: C15H10O2
Molecular Weight: 222.24
1. Isoflavones of the soy variety have been shown to have varying degrees of benefit on such conditions as hot flashes, cognition, heart health, and bone mass.
2. Available data appears to justify the recommendation that menopausal women with frequent hot flashes consider trying soy foods or isoflavone supplements to alleviate symptoms.
3. Isoflavones may also be helpful for cognitive improvement.
4. Bone health is another area that has been shown to benefit from isoflavones.
Benepure Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
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