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Tribulus Terrestris Extract

Tribulus Terrestris Extract
Product Name: Tribulus Terrestris Extract
Specification: 20.0%~40.0% Protodioscin Test By HPLC/ 40.0-90.0% Total Saponins Test By UV
Efficacy: Immunity enhance
Sources and Habitat
Tribulus terrestris is a flowering plant in the family Zygophyllaceae, native to warm temperate and tropical regions of the Old World in southern Europe, southern Asia, throughout Africa, and in northern Australia. It can thrive even in desert climates and poor soil. Like many weedy species, this plant has many common names. Puncturevine, Caltrop, Yellow Vine, and Goathead are the most widely used.
Descriptions and Specifications of Product
Content Specifications: 20%, 40% Protodioscin Test by HPLC
40%, 60%, 80% Total Saponins Test by UV
Molecular Formula: C51H84O22
Molecular Mass: 1049.20
CAS No.: 55056-80-9
Constitutional Formula:
Tribulus Terrestris Extract
Indications and Uses
This herb is used in the treatment of urinary disorders and impotence, kidney disease and gravel, disease of the genitor-urinary system, calculus affections, gout etc. It is also useful for uterine disorders, diseases of the heart, and many other conditions. Ayurveda practitioners consider this herb tobe very valuable in improving vitality. It revitalizes the emaciated human system. It strengthens the postpartum woman. It is being studied as a potential herbal remedy against AIDS. Products containing Tribulus are typically marketed to bodybuilder and athletes concerned with increasing muscle mass and strength. Although such products are typically combinations of ingredients that include Tribulus, rather than Tribulus alone, the scientific evidence for product effectivenenss is typically lacking. At this time, Supplement watch does not view Tribulus extract (on its own) as a valuable dietary supplement for muscle building. As a support ingredient contained in a wider supplement blend, Tribulus may provide some benefits to those individuals interested in maintaining testosterone levels in the normal range (overtrained athletes and dieters).
Tribulus terrestris extract can produce statistically significant increases in levels of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone, and produces effects suggestive of aphrodisiac activity. On the other hand, one recent study found that T. terrestris caused no increase in testosterone or LH in young men, and another found that a commercial supplement containing androstenedione and herbal extracts, including T. terrestris, was no more effective at raising testosterone levels than androstenedione alone.